
How to be the friend that says, “I’m here.”

September 6, 2024

I can remember awhile back my family and I experienced a very sudden, unexpected and devastating loss of a loved one. Looking back, I’m sure I was in shock but at the time I felt numb. I watched the world around me continue to live when I felt as if I was standing still, my feet unable to move underneath me. I didn’t know what the future, let alone the next hour was going to hold. However, what I did know was I had one person in particular that sat with me and said, “I’m here.”

There was nothing else to be said at that moment. I didn’t need to hear, “God must have needed him more.” or “He’s in a better place now” While these were all well meaning and came with good intentions, I really just needed someone to let me know I wasn’t alone.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NIV

Being present for someone when they are going through a difficult season is a wonderful gift. Being able to sit next to the person and no words be spoken, but feel the love between you is something you will never forget. I will never forget the enormous loss I felt, however as time passes, I can look back and remember the love I felt because of the people that were present for me.

three person sitting on bench under withered trees
Photo by Mac Mullins on

How can you be that friend that shows up and says, “I’m here.”

  1. Make time for your friendships. As adults with busy lives and growing families, we need to be intentional with our relationships. I’ll admit I am not the best at this. I tend to fill my calendar with family obligations and leave my friendships to extra time I may have. I know I need to work harder at this. I enjoy seeing my girlfriends and I never regret spending time nurturing those friendships. I need to learn to take the advice I give my teenagers- friendships are like flowers and they need nurturing and love to bloom.
  2. Be the kind of friend you seek yourself. I want friends that will stop and pray for me when I need it. I want to be that same kind of friend. I want friends who will tell me the truth, even when it’s hard to hear. I will do the same. I want my friends to know they can call me 24/7 and I will be there to say, “I’m here.”
  3. Pray, and then pray some more. Each and every one of us can always use prayer. Nothing is too big or too small for God to hear. He wants us to come to him with our worries, fears and also our exciting news. I want to be the kind of friend that will always lift my friends up and offer them my prayers.

“We may not always be able to be with our friends physically, but we can be there for our friends.”

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