Faith based

When we are called to step outside of our comfort zone

October 11, 2024

gray concrete stairs leading to trees
Photo by Rido Alwarno on

I’ve mentioned it before, but I am an introvert who craves alone time. I enjoy time with friends and family however, I reach a point where I need to withdraw to my own personal space and be alone.

When I am in a situation with a lot of people or I am asked to make small talk, I start to feel anxious and afraid. I’ve told myself repeatedly that I was no good at small talk and therefore couldn’t be good at dinner parties etc. I’m sure at some point I embarrassed myself and it’s stuck in my head. When we tell ourselves lies like this one, we can actually start to believe them.

Yes, for me meeting new people and having to make small talk feels to me like I am being asked to step outside of my comfort zone. I like when I’m around people that know me well, however I also know how much fun it can be to meet new people.

When I am put in a situation like this I try to look at it as a lesson in deepening my faith. Being called to do something we are uncomfortable with can make us grow closer to God. This is because we are depending on Him and His strength to get us through. There have been many times I will look back after meeting someone or having to make small talk and say, “Ok, I did it. I survived, it wasn’t that bad.”

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9 NIV

When we completely give our hearts and minds over to God, He can and He will do amazing things. We have to teach ourselves to be open to seeing and experiencing new things. Faith is a journey and if we allow it, we will discover the beauty of newness. We can see firsthand how God works in unexpected ways.

Being willing to step outside of our comfort zone offers us to see God working in our lives by:

  • We can experience His presence in a whole new way.
  • It can deepen and grow our faith by helping us depend on Him.
  • It offers us a chance to be transformed. He wants you to live a fulfilling life made in His image
Photo by Brett Sayles on

Some say that everything we want is on the other side of fear. Let’s not live with the regret of not taking the risk. Let God be your strength. Let Him be your courage and allow Him to be with you always.



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